Saturday, November 20, 2010

ICE transfer of FxTree Tracking operator

download link: Apply 2d Tracking compound

ICE transfer of FxTree Tracking operator from Fabricio Chamon on Vimeo.

The compound internally builds a camera frustum and translates fxtree tracking data to 3d data.
Two things you should know before using:

- be sure to align camera and interest Y position before applying the compound. (that's because frustum rotation is not being calculated yet)
- change the image resolution inside the compound to fit your dimensions. (didn't find a way of retrieving image resolution right inside the ice tree)

...being using this one a lot in shots involving simple 2d tracking (no rotation, or hand keyed rotations) for object replacements, prop attachments, etc..

compound will be stored under Tools > Tracking.


  1. it nice tutorial but as i am new to softimage and had some experience in maya , i did not know how to import footage in softimage for tracking or tracked data , can you help me?

    is there any way you can post ice tree picture?

    Asad Kazmi

  2. Hi Asad,
    to import any image sequence inside softimage, open the fxtree (alt+1 or menu view > compositing > fxtree) and fxviewer (alt+2 or view > compositing > fxviewer), then on the fxtree go to the menu file > import images...

    the icetree of the tracking null is really simple, just plug the apply 2d tracking compound right on the icetree, change the image res to same as your sequence and it should work.

  3. Hey Fabricio great tool. Just a quick question - how can we access different tracking points via the ICE tree. ATM if I want to use more than 1 tracking point I end up creating a new tracking operator to access it in ICE tree via Get.FxTree.Tracking, Get.FxTree.Tracking1, Get.FxTree.Tracking2 and so on. Is there a better way? Cheers.

  4. Hi, yeah, thats the way to go for now... Seems like a bug, ICE can only read first tracking data for the fxtree tracking operator.
